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The tropical forest arena

The Tropical Forest Arena (TFA) is an open arena for exchange of information and debates on issues related to tropical forests.


The founding members are the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Equinor, and Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN).


The TFA brings together people and organisations from research (from different disciplines), the private sector, public agencies, NGOs, and civil society within the Scandinavian/Norwegian context.


The TFA establishes links between different sectors and disciplines in order to combine skills, resources, and expertise for working towards the conservation and restoration of tropical forests.


  1. Provide an arena for open exchange of information, expertise, and experiences as well as for debates on key challenges related to tropical forests.

  2. Mobilise Norwegian actors (potentially) working on tropical forests (research, NGOs, private and public sector).

  3. Present, discuss, and promote initiatives related to tropical forest protection and restoration, through collaboration among TFA actors.

  4. Stimulate research among TFA actors, e.g., through joint applications for research funding.


  • Secretariat/administration at NMBU

  • Steering Committee (SC) comprising the founding representatives from research, private and NGO sector, i.e., NMBU, Equinor and Rainforest Foundation.

  • The wider Arena includes people from a variety of organisations from different sectors (research, private, public, NGO). There is the option to come together for quarterly seminars.
    Everyone participating in the wider Arena is invited to use the TFA as a platform for discussions, outreach, to connect with other actors and to initiate collaborations.
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