Here you can find various news related to tropical forests - newly published papers, conferences, main political decisions etc.
We cannot cover all news related to tropical forests. Therefore, this section focuses on conferences of regional/global relevance, publications directly associated with people or organisations that are part of the Tropical Forest Arena as well as news of particular relevance for tropical forests.
If you have any recommendations of content that should be mentioned here, you can get in touch with us:
Beyond offsets: people and planet-centred responses to the climate and biodiversity crisis
Data and information in a political forest: The case of REDD+
The broken links of mineral supply chain policies
IUFRO report: International Forest Governance – a critical review of trends, drawbacks, and new approaches
Nature conservation works and we need more of it!
Evaluation of Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative Support to Civil Society
Global trends and scenarios for terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services from 1900 to 2050
“Sky islands” - Proposal of new Ecoregion “South East Africa Montane Archipelago” (SEAMA)
After decade-long decline deforestation in Indonesia on the rise again
Supply chain divergence challenges Brussels Effect
New mapping tool: PalmWatch
Planting trees to slow climate change not as straightforward as thought
Critical transitions in the Amazon forest system
Land sparing outperforms land sharing for Amazonian bird communities regardless of surrounding landscape context
Comparative study of carbon rights in the context of jurisdictional REDD+: Case studies from Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean