Deforestation tends to be lower in indigenous territories in the Amazon and strengthening indigenous people's rights proves to be an effective barrier against continuous forest loss.
There is a debate about effects of voluntary carbon markets on livelihoods and rights of indigenous people, which can be seen to be put at risk by the introduction of monetary and market-based payment mechanisms.
An event, organised by Rainforest Foundation Norway and RAISG at COP28 today, addresses these challenges and discusses how national regulation can protect indigenous rights.
The event takes place on the 4th of December, 16.45 to 18.15 (GST, (UTC+4) in Dubai), therefore 13.45 to 15.15 in Norway (CET (UTC+1)).
The event can be followed on YouTube:
Picture and further information: Rainforest Foundation Norway: Regnskogfondet på COP28: klima | regnskog | urfolk – Regnskogfondet