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Past events

Green Leaves

23rd April 2024, 9.00-14.00


Vitenparken, NMBU, Ås

Understanding tropical forests and exploring solutions for their future

Picture TFA 4th seminar.jpg

The seminar focused on research related to tropical forest ecology and biodiversity. We addressed knowledge gaps and advances, and cutting-edge research in the field of conservation and restoration. Presented issues and solutions focused on social and technological/methodological aspects within various types of tropical forests across different geographical regions, e.g. traditional ecological knowledge, multi-stakeholder approaches, environmental DNA or using AI and machine learning for canopy-level species identification.


Programme and speakers:
9.00 - 9.10      Welcome and Introduction


9.10 - 9.35      Torbjørn Haugaasen
Professor at NMBU (MINA)
Hidden treasures and lost arks: Glaring gaps in Amazonian biodiversity knowledge


9.35 - 10.00    Göran Wallin
plant ecophysiologist at Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences,
University of Gothenburg, Sweden:
Warming responses of growth and mortality of Afromontane tree species


10.00 - 10.15   Short break

10.15 - 10.40   Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr
Researcher, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA):
The Atlantic Forest of South America: Spatiotemporal dynamics of the vegetation and
implications for conservation and restoration


10.40 - 11.05   Thomas Luypaert
Postdoctoral researcher at MINA, NMBU:
Monitoring tropical forest biodiversity at scale: challenges and opportunities


11.05 - 11.30    Aida Cuni-Sanchez
Associate Professor at NMBU (Noragric):
Local perceptions of forest ecosystem services


11.30 - 12.15    Lunch break

12.15 - 12.40   Tina Christmann
Restoration scientist and Lecturer in Environmental Science, University of Southampton:
Sowing and harvesting water - why and how to restore forests in the Andes


12.40 - 13.05  Nathaniel Calhoun
Chief Strategy Officer at Bioverse
Durable Conservation, Aligning Incentives on the Ground


13.05 -13.55   Discussion

13.55 - 14.00  Wrapping up


If you are interested in some of the presentations slides, please get in touch via

You can watch the recording of the seminar here:

Green Leaves

16th January 2024, 9.00 - 12.00


Litteraturhuset, Oslo


Deforestation-free supply chains –

empty pledges or real impact?
















  • 9.00 - 9.05  Introduction and welcome

  • 9.05 - 9.45  Keynote: Deforestation-free supply chains: data, transparency and the Trase experience
    Toby Gardner
    Director of Trase and Senior Research Fellow at Stockholm Environment Institute

  • Short (12 min) presentations on key initiatives:

  • 11.25 - 11.55  Discussion (There will also be a 8-10 minutes Q&A after each presentation)

  • 11.55 - 12.00 Wrapping-up


If you are interested in some of the presentations slides, please get in touch via

The seminar was streamed and can be accessed through this link:

Green Leaves

16th October 2023, 13.30 - 16.30


Klimahuset, Oslo


Norway`s contributions to stopping tropical deforestation:
results, lessons learned and way forward


1) 15 years of Norway´s International Climate and Forest Initiative - results, successes and lessons learned


Joint presentation by: 

  • Andreas Dahl-Jørgensen (Director of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI), Ministry of Climate and Environment) 

  • Dyveke Rogan (Deputy Director of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative, (NICFI), Ministry of Climate and Environment) 

  • Hilde Dahl (Head of Section for Forest, Department for Climate and  

      Environment, Norad) 


2) External perspectives on Norway`s engagement in tropical forests



  • ​Anwesha Dutta, Senior Researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), Bergen
  • Desmond McNeill, Professor Emeritus at the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), University of Oslo (UiO)

  • Lars Løvold, Previous Director and Special Advisor of Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN)


The presentations will be followed by a discussion and questions from the floor – led by Arild Angelsen (professor, NMBU).


Green Leaves

Ås, 6th June 2023



Inauguration Seminar
- Tropical Forest Arena


Speakers and Presentations:​


  • Charlotte Streck, Climate Focus: Financing tropical forest protection and restoration

  • Tørris Jæger, Rainforest Foundation Norway: Making international incentives work on-the-ground in rainforest countries

  • Torbjørn Haugaasen, NMBU: One forest – several forest types: Amazonian biodiversity and natural resource management

  • Bård Harstad, Stanford University: Conserving forests with loans (rather than with REDD+)

  • Solveig Aamodt, CICERO: Drivers and barriers to forest policy adoption and implementation in Brazil

  • Richard Erskine, Equinor:  Principles for creating high integrity, scalable, restoration and protection projects

  • Hege Rivedal Ødegaard, Denofa: Traceability and sustainable sourcing of soy

  • Bernardo dos Santos, NINA: Brazil’s Atlantic Forest biodiversity restoration in practice

  • Micah Dunthorn, Natural History Museum: Protistan parasite diversity and functionality in tropical forests


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